Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


May 6, 2012

Check this out when you have a minute. Such a blast!!!



The Invite

April 19, 2012



Panama City!

April 19, 2012

Hello everyone: A crazy schedule indeed. Currently in Panama City with an exhibition opening this evening at the Alianza de Panama. The exhibition will focus on the Kuna, now Guna, in the San Blas with albinism. The incidence of albinism worldwide is approximately 1-20,000, with the highest incidence here among the Guna: 1in 125. The show looks great and I hope to include the larger disability community here in Panama in future programs. 


I’ll send pics from the opening. Heading to San Blas region on Saturday to bring images back to Guna Yala and create additional partnerships.

Our thoughts are to create a larger exhibition that will include many positive exotic elements to our campaign addressing the murders and attacks on the albinism community in East Africa.  


May 25, 2010

Kids in Shinyanga School.

Just arrived back to Dar es Salaam from Shinyanga. Amazing trip, amazing people. We visited a school where several families from the region are sending their kids with albinism for protection. These kids are so isolated and are aware that they arent safe in their homes. It’s agony to see them surrounded by the beauty of Tanzania, fear and segregation. Through all this pain, there is still, undeniably, hope in their eyes. We also visited with Kabula, a 13 year old girl who less than a month ago was attacked while she slept with her mom and had her arm chopped off. She was terrified to meet our  team, rightfully so, but allowed us to interview her. Im back now in Dar and having dinner with the Under the Same Sun team. There is so much to do.. My thought to proceed is to implement eduction programs that will engage entire communities to be vigilant and protect these kids. PE exhibits and lectures by PE empowered students and health care providers in training is how we need to begin. Hope is not only in the eyes of these babies but in all of our hearts. Photos will be added later when the internet connection is stronger. xxRick


A beauty!

Fetching water!

Mother of 12 with five living with albinism. Seeking protection here at the school.

Sleeping beauty!


Kabula at the hospital.


In Tanzania

May 22, 2010

Hi All: Just arrived back in Tanzania. I carried lots of equipment with me this trip to establish Under the Same Sun’s Media department in Dar es Salaam. Another great program by Peter Ash. All the equipment, 6 huge crates arrived and we only got stuck in customs for a few hours. We will go through all items today then begin a training program for the staff. Should be awesome.We are traveling on Monday to Kagama to visit a young girl who survived an attack as well as a school that has turned into a refugee camp where people with albinism and their children have fled. (near the border of Burundi) Terrifying! It’s pouring here in Dar and I have a view of the sea from my room. So beautiful. Such contrast.


Beautiful PE Exhibit at the BIO Tech Conference in Chicago

May 11, 2010

Just received these images from the Bio Tech conference this past week. Looks Amazing!


Positive Exposure Spring Benefit at Chado Ralph Rucci Showroom!

April 24, 2010

Our Spring benefit was a smashing success. We had about 250 guests and raised over $75,000. It was awesome. So many old friends and new faces. We not only exceeded our goals but also introduced Positive Exposure to lots of amazing new supporters… .

I would like to thank Ralph Rucci for his support and absolute generosity and his constant support and inspiration encouraging me always to believe in my instincts, to see, to accept, to embrace and celebrate unique vision and beauty without compromise. I also would like to thank Rosina Rucci who has worked tirelessly promoting and supporting Positive Exposure. Believing in not only our mission, but also believing in each and every one of these stunning kids. And Vivian Van Natta, as amazing and busy as they are there at Chado, Viv  has always been an integral part of this evening’s success.

I’d also like to thank Miche Griffin who has helped make this benefit SHINE.

The benefit  will help Positive Exposure develop and reproduce sustainable programs and curricula that will reach more  medical professionals, students, legislators, and communities worldwide. To help us reach more kids living with genetic syndromes and help us develop the portable and sustainable tools needed to empower these kids and enable them to be advocates for themselves, changing public perceptions and attitudes towards difference beginning with their own communities. The proceeds from the benefit will help us partner with more support groups and communities worldwide, to inspire individuals, families and friends to see the beauty in these gorgeous kids and to reshape and redefine the boundaries of beauty to include all difference. Donations from the event will further develop Positive Exposure programs in communities where prejudices, discrimination, ignorance leads to human rights violations, ie: the murder for body parts  in Tanzania. Support will help us throughout Africa to develop portable and sustainable initiatives in partnership  with governments and existing local NGOs to abolish such ignorance creating tools needed to mobilize communities to accept and embrace all difference. Joanna Rudnick from Kartemquin Films presented a few clips from our documentary. This film will be incredible. THANK YOU EVERYONE, FOR YOUR SUPPORT….

Positive Exposure's champion Ralph Rucci (center) and friends, (left to right) Jay Glenn, the divine Rita Perrault, RR, me and event maestro, Ronnie Davis of Great Performances.

Joanna Rudnick presenting On Beauty film clip. Kartemquin Films!

The stunning Sarah and Kaelin!!!!

Liselotte and Wil


Lovely Rosina Rucci and the generous Mario Rinaldi of CHAMPAGNE PAUL GOERG 1er CRU.

The Amazing Zachary and his family...

Great friends!!!

Elizabeth, family and friends!

Watching the On Beauty film clip....

Joseph and Amye

Vaughn Edelson from the Genetic Alliance, Joanna and me!!

Me and the beautiful Maggie from KenyaAwesome Dr. Fouad Otaki!

Our Liz Matejka Grossman and friends!


RSVP Now for April 22 Spring Benefit

April 6, 2010

Fashion Designer Ralph Rucci and Vogue Magazine’s Editor at Large, Andre Leon Talley, will be co-hosting a fundraiser for Positive Exposure on Thursday, April 22nd, 2010.

Thursday, April 22, 6-10:00 PM

Location: 536 Broadway 6th Floor
New York, NY

Contact: 212 420 1931

Please RSVP by April 11.

Evening Schedule

* Silent Auction (items include Week on the Vineyard at the Pink House, dinner for two at La Grenouille, Positive Exposure original image.)
* Positive Exposure Exhibition
* Positive Exposure introduction: Ralph Rucci
* Positive Exposure presentation: Rick Guidotti, founder and director
* Preview of Trailer from Kartemquin Films documentary on Positive Exposure


More about host Ralph Rucci:

* Video
* New York Times


Bill on East Africa Atrocities Passes House 418 to 1

March 11, 2010

At last some good news on the East Africa front.

What does the legislation entail?

From Rep. Gerry Connolly’s site:

• Condemns the murder and mutilation of people with albinism in East Africa;

• Urges governments in East Africa, particularly the governments of Tanzania and Burundi, to take immediate action to prevent further violence against persons with albinism;

• Calls for swift justice against those who have engaged in such reprehensible practices,

• Calls upon governments in East Africa, along with international organizations, other donors, and the United States, to actively support the education of people with albinism about the prevention of skin cancer and provide appropriate levels of assistance;

• And urges the United States to assist the governments of East Africa and other organizations to seek elimination of violence against people with albinism.

Read more here.


Masai Mara

March 10, 2010

Here are a few images from our safari in the Masai Mara, our last 2 days in Africa!

Can you spot the Cheetah?


Masai Village!

Steps away!

Licking his chops!

On the road to....